Un-Managed Pet Dogs of Mrs Ambika Shukla, sister of Mrs Maneka Gandhi !

दिल्ली दिल्ली NCR
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Mrs Ambika Shukla residing at 154, Jor Bagh, New Delhi – 3. has 14 to 15 pet dogs in her house. Ambika Shukla’s neighbors allege that These dogs are  very aggressive and on many occasions attacked passersby. However, most of such cases were left unreported.

The colony residents are coerced to cede usage of a public park specifically for these dogs in the area. The residents cannot use this park due safety and hygiene concerns. This park is behind the local temple.

Most of these dogs are left free to roam, unleashed and unmanned in and outside the park for 3 to 4 hours in the morning and evening, every day. The dogs also enter the temple premises and sully it by passing urine and stool in front of the deity, hugely offending the devotees. 

The residents and the RWA have on many occasions requested the owner, Mrs Shukla, to control her dogs, keep them on leash and manned. All these pleas have fallen on deaf ears and empty promises. They have then approached the police with complaints but to no avail.

On 1st July 24, a super senior lady of 81 years, resident of 157 Jorbagh, out for a small evening walk in front of her house, was badly bitten by one of these freely roaming dogs and had to be rushed to the hospital for follow up care and medication. She continues to be in shock and pain and on medication even nine days after the biting incident.

A complaint about the dog biting case was lodged with the police under relevant sections of the new Act for filing an FIR. But as seen in the earlier cases, the police has again not acted on the complaint.

It seems her clout is preventing the residents to get justice.  The Jor Bagh Association along with many residents had visited the Lodhi Road Police Station in Dec 23. A written complaint was submitted requesting the police intervention. A second complaint was submitted by few residents on 1st Apr 24. No action was taken by the police on both these complaints.

The colony residents continue to be in grave danger and are living in an environment of fear. with no help from any quarters. This is the reason why Ambika Shukla’s neighbors held a silent protest in front of her house on 14th July