Groundbreaking procedure allows heart repairs to grow with children

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The previous standard of care using valves that were non-living would not grow along with the child, requiring frequent replacement, entailing surgical procedures that carry a 50 per cent mortality rate.

In a first in the world, an 18 days old boy in 2022 underwent a partial heart transplant. Now, more than a year later, the procedure that repaired functioning valves and arteries in his heart has grown along with the toddler, revealed a study. To subscribe please click and access our live channel.

The pioneering procedure was performed by a team of physicians at the Duke University in the US in the spring of 2022, in an infant who needed heart valve replacement. Turek said the innovation has paved the way for a domino heart transplant, where one heart is able to save two lives.

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The new manner of valve procurement used during the partial heart transplant led to two well-functioning valves and arteries that are growing in concert with the child as if they were native vessels.

The study also found the procedure requires about a quarter of the amount of immunosuppressant medication than a full heart transplant, potentially saving patients from detrimental side effects that might compound over decades.

This publication is proof that this technology works, this idea works, and can be used to help other children,” said Joseph W. Turek, Duke’s chief of paediatric cardiac surgery, who led the landmark procedure.

“This innovation adds a lot to the whole donation community,” Turek said, “because it’s treating more kids, while also honouring the wishes of selfless donor parents who’ve given the ultimate gift. It allows them to offer hope to another child in the process.”

The partial heart transplant procedure has since been performed 13 times at four centres around the world, including nine at Duke, several of which have been domino heart transplants.

Bringing this innovation to a clinical trial would be the next step to achieving the volume in procedures that would change the availability of hearts by a large amount.

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