List of Strongest & Weakest Passports in World

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While traditional powerhouses continue to lead, the rise of Asian passports and the impact of global events introduce a level of unpredictability.

In an interconnected world, the power of a passport can significantly influence an individual’s ability to traverse borders freely. As of 2024, the dynamics of global mobility are reflected in the Passport Power Index, revealing the most and least powerful passports.

The Power Players

The annual Henley Passport Index scores countries’ travel documents according to how many destinations they provide access to either visa free or with visa on arrival.

After claiming the top spot for five years running, Japan has been joined by France, Germany, Italy, Singapore and Spain. All offer access to 194 destinations out of 227 worldwide, visa free.

South Korea joins Finland and Sweden in second place with visa-free travel to 193 destinations, while four European nations take joint third on 192: Austria, Denmark, Ireland and the Netherlands.

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The UK has leapt up two places this year to take the fourth spot alongside Belgium, Luxembourg, Norway and Portugal, offering access to 191 nations apiece.

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Greece, Malta and Switzerland round out the top five, all offering visa-free access to 190 places. The US has retained seventh place with access to 188 destinations without requiring a visa in advance.

The Least Powerful Passports

On the flip side, there are passports that face limitations in terms of global mobility. Countries with geopolitical instability, economic challenges, or restricted diplomatic ties often find their passports at the bottom of the list.

At the other end of the spectrum, Afghanistan offers the least powerful passport, giving access to just 28 destinations without obtaining a visa prior to travel.

It is followed by Syria, Iraq, Pakistan and Yemen. The average number of destinations travelers are able to access visa-free has nearly doubled from 58 in 2006 to 111 in 2024.

Shifting Dynamics

Asian countries, particularly those in the East, have experienced economic growth and political stability, contributing to the enhanced global mobility of their citizens.

Singapore and Japan, in particular, have seen steady increases in the strength of their passports, reflecting the region’s growing influence on the world stage.

Conversely, some Western passports have faced challenges. The geopolitical landscape has introduced uncertainties, impacting the power dynamics of certain passports.

Changes in visa policies, strained diplomatic relations, and global events have led to fluctuations in the rankings of traditionally powerful passports.


The Passport Power Index is not immune to the effects of global events. The COVID-19 pandemic, for instance, has had a profound impact on international travel. Travel restrictions, quarantine measures, and changes in visa policies have disrupted the usual patterns reflected in the passport rankings.

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