Singapore witnesses spike in Indian tourists arrival

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Devanjana Mukherjee, Khabri Media

Indian travellers visit Singapore to enjoy the country’s many new attractions and also find affinity in the culture and heritage and feel at home here.

Pic: Social Media

Singapore, a melting pot of cultures and a hub for tourism in Southeast Asia, has recently experienced a significant surge in Indian tourist arrivals. This upswing in visitors from India reflects Singapore’s enduring appeal as a top international destination and the ever-strengthening ties between the two nations.

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India is one of the fastest growing markets for tourist arrivals post-pandemic. Government data shows Indian visitor arrivals up 15.5 per cent to 792,935 for the first nine months of this year compared to the same period last year. Infact, according to an industry survey Indian travelers are among the highest spenders globally.

Pic: Social Media

According to officials “We are confident that we will be able to delight the tourists with a wide range of interesting and innovative products and services.” They unveiled a programme for its annual Christmas on ‘A Great Street Light Up’ along Singapore’s most popular tourist and hotel belt.

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The increased footfall translates to higher revenue for the tourism industry, which in turn benefits the local economy. Businesses catering to Indian tastes and preferences, such as Indian restaurants, clothing stores, and travel agencies, also thrive with the growing influx of Indian tourists.

The reasons behind this phenomenon are varied such as affordable travel options, cultural connections, tourism supported infrastructure, culinary delight, attractive festivals and events, and economic ties and increased business opportunities.

The cultural connections, affordable travel options, and business opportunities are key factors behind this phenomenon. As both countries continue to foster their relationship, Singapore’s tourism industry is likely to see sustained growth, and Indian tourists will keep flocking to this vibrant and welcoming destination.

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