Indians tend to check online ratings before purchases: Report

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Devanjana Mukherjee, Khabri Media

The report indicates that Indian consumers, especially those new to online shopping, tend to rely heavily on these indicators to make informed decisions.

Pic: Social Media

In the era of e-commerce dominance, online shopping has become an integral part of our lives. With the convenience of ordering products from the comfort of one’s own home, consumers now have access to a vast marketplace at their fingertips. However, this convenience comes with its own set of challenges, one of which is ensuring the trustworthiness of online sellers.

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A recent report from Norton Cyber Safety Insights highlights that the majority of Indians are taking proactive steps to safeguard their online shopping experience by checking sellers’ ratings and scanning their social media presence before making a purchase.

According to the survey, about 96 per cent of the consumers geared up for pent-up purchases online during the festive season. As many as 88 per cent of adults check for a seller’s rating online, while 82 per cent assess a company’s social media presence for authenticity.

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The digital shopping landscape in India has witnessed remarkable growth in recent years. With the advent of e-commerce giants like Amazon, Flipkart, and numerous specialized online retailers, the Indian consumer has a plethora of choices when it comes to purchasing goods and services.

Pic: Social Media

However, with this immense choice comes the challenge of identifying reliable sellers. In a bid to address this issue, a report has found that an increasing number of Indian consumers are making use of online tools to assess the credibility of sellers before clicking the “buy” button.

The report, based on a comprehensive survey of Indian online shoppers, highlights the growing trend of checking sellers’ ratings and scrutinizing their social media presence. These actions are being undertaken to gain insight into the seller’s reputation, reliability, and overall customer satisfaction.

The survey further revealed that the average amount lost to holiday shopping scams is over Rs 20,000. To curb this, 73 per cent of those surveyed said they preferred to make payments through third-party providers like PayTM, PhonePe, GPay, amongst others.

Sellers’ ratings are perhaps one of the most essential elements in the decision-making process of online shoppers. The report reveals that an overwhelming majority of Indian consumers consider the seller’s ratings and reviews when evaluating a product. This is a testament to the impact of word-of-mouth and the trust Indian consumers place in the experiences of their peers.

Ratings and reviews not only provide a sense of reliability but also offer valuable information about the quality of the product, the seller’s customer service, and the overall shopping experience. High ratings and positive reviews can instill confidence in potential buyers, whereas low ratings and negative feedback can be major deterrents.

Additionally, the report reveals a growing trend of consumers actively researching the seller’s social media presence. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have become powerful tools for businesses to connect with their customers. A well-maintained and active social media profile can reflect positively on the seller’s credibility. Conversely, the absence or neglect of such platforms can raise concerns among consumers.

This trend is in line with the global shift towards businesses establishing a strong online presence. Many sellers now use social media not only to promote their products but also to engage with their customer base. The report suggests that Indian consumers are increasingly considering these interactions as an indicator of a seller’s commitment to customer service.

One of the key takeaways from the report is the importance of trust in the online shopping experience. Trust is a vital factor in any consumer-seller relationship, and in the digital realm, it can be challenging to establish. Sellers with a proven track record and a strong online presence often find it easier to gain the trust of potential customers. On the other hand, sellers with low ratings or a minimal online footprint may struggle to win over skeptical consumers.

The report also highlights the role of convenience in shaping consumers’ behavior. Online shoppers in India, like their counterparts around the world, value the ease and convenience of digital transactions. However, they are not willing to compromise on trust and reliability. The ability to quickly check a seller’s ratings and social media presence allows them to strike a balance between convenience and confidence.

It’s important to note that this trend of checking sellers’ ratings and social media presence is not limited to specific product categories or demographics. It has become a widespread practice across the board, from electronics to clothing to groceries. As the digital marketplace continues to evolve, trust-building measures will play an increasingly significant role in attracting and retaining customers.

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