IIT helps to curb air pollution in Delhi-NCR

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Devanjana Mukherjee, Khabri Media

The issue of air pollution in Delhi-NCR has reached alarming levels, posing a severe threat to the health and well-being of its residents.

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The region’s air pollution is a complex issue with multiple contributing factors. The primary culprits include vehicular emissions, industrial pollution, construction dust, and crop residue burning. The adverse weather conditions during winters, marked by low temperatures and stagnant air, exacerbate the problem by trapping pollutants close to the ground. To subscribe please click tau.id/2iy6f and access our live channel.

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The combination creates the infamous smog that engulfs the city therefore creating hazardous atmosphere for everyone. To curb the situation, esteemed government educational organization, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IIT Kanpur), has proposed the use of artificial rain to reduce air pollution in Delhi. In this article, we will explore the concept of artificial rain and how it can serve as a potent tool in the fight against air pollution.

This approach involves the use of cloud seeding technology, where certain substances are introduced into the clouds to stimulate precipitation. By artificially encouraging rainfall, the aim is to wash away particulate matter and pollutants from the atmosphere, effectively reducing air pollution levels.

Pic: Social Media

Cloud seeding is an artificial method used to increase rainfall by introducing certain substances into clouds that serves various purposes, including reducing the impact of droughts, preventing forest fires, increasing precipitation, and enhancing air quality.

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During the process, chemicals like silver iodide, potassium iodide, and dry ice are released into the sky using airplanes and helicopters. These chemicals attract water vapour, leading to the formation of rain clouds. It usually takes about half an hour for this method to make it rain.

The idea of artificial rain was discussed during a meeting of Delhi Environment Minister Gopal Rai with IIT-Kanpur experts here on Wednesday. According to Delhi government officials, the artificial rain could be brought through cloud seeding by November 20 as IIT-Kanpur has submitted a plan to the Delhi Government.

The government said that it will submit the entire plan to the Supreme Court on Friday and will also seek its permission to get the help of the Centre for the same. Important meeting with experts from IIT-Kanpur and CII regarding artificial rain to reduce pollution in Delhi in winter, is still ongoing.

Experts anticipate that conditions of extremely thick smog could develop around November 20-21. If the proposal is accepted by tomorrow then it will be presented in the Supreme Court as there are a number of permissions required. Furthermore, even if clouds are visible before November 20 then the pilot project can be carried.

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